
Introduction to Assistive Technology for Vision Impairments

3.2.4 Tactile graphics printing

Making non-textual information such as graphical images, maps, graphs etc accessible to persons with vision impairment involves converting this information into tactile format. Persons with vision impairment need training and must first understand what is being represented in tactile form before they can make meaning of it.
Here’s a short video explaining the challenges in designing as well as teaching tactile graphics to children with vision impairment:

Here are some of the non-electronic magnifiers that are available in the Indian market. These differ by dimensions, features and cost.

Here are two techniques used in making tactile graphics:

S.no Technique Reference link
1. Tactograph 
A device by Enability Foundation   in IIT Madras Research Park (IITMRP) that can be used to make affordable tactile graphics for persons with visual impairments.
Video – 1min  Tactograph – YouTube
2 Manual Tactile imaging 
How fevicol and locally available materials can be used to make tactile images.
Video – 4min 
Creating tactile graphics – YouTube 
Video –1 min 
Creating tactile story books – YouTube